Thursday, September 27, 2012

pulling in every direction

i'm feeling overwhelmed right now, due to a combination of factors, including the fact that i pulled an all-nighter to finish the mohawk hat for my friend (it looks to follow soon). i leave for the uk in little more than three days now, and am feeling the crush of leaving lovers and loved ones behind. that anxiety is being coupled with a feeling of being...attacked? misinterpreted? both? people who i thought were friends. it sucks when you try to help out your community and get blacklisted by members of that same community. i suppose it's the norm when you're an activist, but it still sucks big time.

luckily, i have wonderful people close around me who are helping me feel a bit better about the whole thing, and who keep reassuring me that i'm not a terrible person blundering around on sensitive issues. ah life. leaving for new lands will be great and terrible at the same time. my heartstrings are being pulled in many directions, resulting in a straining ache. cuddles, tea, yoga inversions, and dark chocolate are the solution. and knitting, of course. always knitting for those fidgety fingers.

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