Thursday, September 20, 2012

busy busy busy

sorry i haven't posted any of those updates i said i would. i've been knitting like a fool, trying to finish these final four projects before flying out in a week and a half, while also seeing friends and partners as much as possible. i finally finished the baby cardigan yesterday night (pictures to follow once it's dried and has buttons), and am simultaneously knitting a handshoe and spinning fibre for a cowl. hoping to have those two finished by saturday when i get the materials for my final project, a mohawk hat...yeesh.

today is a rainy day and the first one in a while where i didn't book anything in advance, so i've been taking advantage of it, baking cupcakes, doing laundry, spinning, and hanging out with a partner. hopefully i'll have time to post pictures of finished projects soon.

on a side note, i had my first-ever pedicure yesterday, at a local organic spa courtesy of a beautiful friend. she gave me a gift certificate after i helped her get into film school, and knowing that i have issues with my feet, told me to use it on a pedicure. 75 whole minutes strictly spent on my tootsies. i have never let anyone touch or look at my feet for that long ever before. it was a beautiful gift, and my toes are now a pretty navy blue! being a femme is kinda fun sometimes.

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