Thursday, September 6, 2012

nomadic queer knitting club

for those of you living in the halifax area, a friend/lover and i have started up a knitting club - the nomadic queer knitting club, to be exact (the link connects to our ravelry page). our interests are wide-ranging and our plans are broad - knit shit, subversive yarnbombing, and teach others the basics. we move around from location to location, and occasionally take classes (like today's drop spindle class at our LYS). people don't need to identify as queer to join us, but the point is to offer a safe space.

i hope to start up a sister-branch in london when i move at the end of the month. this friend and i are discussing the logistics of including fibre arts in the co-op, so perhaps in a decade or so, we will have a permanent home for the knitting club. in the meantime, join our facebook group to keep up to date with events and meetings.

stay calm and carry yarn.

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