Tuesday, October 9, 2012

catch-up london style, #1

i hopped across the pond just over a week ago, and finally have the interwebs at home again. meet the catch-up post, dated for your (my) convenience.

le 2 octobre 2012

so here i am, in the uk. it’s been a crazy ride, but i’m settling in to my new house. i have bedding now, which is really the most important thing when you’re trying to make a home feel more like one. my flat is beautiful, although we’re finding a number of things that need sorting out (two of the four burners don’t work…). there’s also a very noisy baby in the house adjoining us on my side, which was interesting last night when it was screaming at 10pm. luckily i was so knackered that i just passed out.

my flatmates are truly lovely. we all went out shopping earlier today to sort out house stuff, and last night we ordered pizza, drank wine, and watched a movie. it’s so nice to finally be living in a house situation like those i envied for years (with the exception of the first housemates i had).

finances are going to be iffy for the first few weeks. i set up my bank account yesterday, but nothing clears for a couple of weeks (it can take up to three) and my cards and such arrive in the post in the next two weeks. it’s probably a good thing to be on a very tight budget for the first little while anyway, as i make all my main household purchases. the one thing that’s killing me a wee bit is the food…we’ll see how it goes.  we don’t get internet for about a week, so i’m going to rely on my iphone for now, and write blog posts (like this one) ahead of time. they’ll get published eventually. i’m off again to set up my phone contract, then to check out the library and find some peanut butter. life is always better with peanut butter.

on a side note, the homesickness isn’t too awful yet. some songs make me melancholy, and i felt a strong pang last night before i passed out, but it’s been surprisingly doable. i think a large part of that is the fact that i’m living in london, and that i’m living with lovely people. snail mail will be very much appreciated though…righty-o, i’m off! more updates later.

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