Thursday, August 16, 2012

yet again, craft planning

today has been quite the crafty one. i sketched out an outfit (check the last post), knit a pair of handshoes for a lover, baked gluten-free macaroons (although they were from a mix and involved microwaving...always question a cookie recipe that involves the microwave), and now i'm embroidering yet another eye pillow.
it is once again thundering here on the coast. i wanted to go kayaking today, but given that i've never done it before (i do love to canoe though) and that the water's a bit choppy due to the weather, i decided it would be smarter to spend the day indoors. my muscles are restless though. i need to dance or something. the soundtrack for today has included florence + the machine and mo kenney, a local musician who's as talented as they are cute. i'm hoping to finish the embroidery tonight, as well as turn a normal shirt into one that works with cuff links. back to my needle and thread. 

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