Wednesday, August 8, 2012

eye pillow the second

i finished off my darling friend's eye pillow this morning, after fighting with my sewing machine for a while. sometimes it runs smoothly, other times it decides to be a pain in the ass. anyway, here's the result:
it was another freehand creation, which means that symmetry isn't perfect. i kind of like that though. it makes it feel more unique and loving, if that makes sense. it's a teacup with an om symbol and a heart on the tea bag string. the heart kind of resembles a bird, but that's okay. it's a simple design, which is a nice subtle reminder that simplicity is sometimes the most beautiful. i often overdo things and forget about the beauty of simplicity.

i've been spending the morning baking black bean brownies, writing a letter to my friend, and listening to shane koyczan's new album. it's been wonderful. i'll be popping this in the mail along with a pair of handshoes for another friend (check them out on my sunflowerknit creations page - they're the houndstooth ones), then going for coffee with yet another friend before rehearsal. my life is filled with incredible people and delightful things these days.

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